Practitioner Program 1

  • Do you want to develop your own style of Focusing and integrate this into your own practice or life?
  • Do you want to deepen your Focusing process and skills?
  • Do you want to support your clients/ children to find/learn Focusing

First Part: Focusing Practicioner (one to one)
Requirements: Focusing level 4 or similar experience (in consultation with the trainers)

Next start september 2024

  • Total of 10 online 2.5 hour group zoom-sessions (10 min break mid session)
  • 2 individual focusing supervision sessions with one of the trainers.
  • The course will comprise of teaching session, demonstrations, paired and solo practice
  • We will explore and study your 3 recorded Focusing sessions with clients (children and adults). And 5 case study’s
  • And we will study and discuss articles about Focusing.
  • The second part of the training is our international 5 Day training Being Seriously Playful in July (or in your own country; like Italy/ Hong Kong/ Israel)

Themes we will explore:

  • How to introduce Focusing to a focusing client who does not know Focusing
  • Safety and boundaries
  • Making contact and contract
  • Resources of presence
  • How to create an safe environment
  • Creating and holding deep empathy
  • Listening in three directions
  • Exploring Critical parts and Inner child parts
  • The Living Forward Energy
  • How to deepen contact with the Felt Sense
  • Facilitative language
  • Ending a session.
  • Using other ways of supporting the expression of the Focusing process, using art material, movement music, poems
  • How the body ‘speaks’
  • Gendlin’s key concepts in Focusing
  • Comparing Focusing with other attitudes/approaches

In between online sessions:

  • The student records a focusing session with a child or an adult
  • The student writes down a transcript of the recorded focusing session with a reflection.

Learning outcomes:
After this training you will have the following skills and knowing:

  • You can explain (one to one) what Focusing is
  • You are able to create a safe environment for the focuser and the felt sense.
  • You can explain about self-supporting esteem and leadership
  • You can be with the client in a facilitating and non-judging way
  • You are present as a human, with respect, attention, and open mind for whatever comes.
  • You are helping the focuser to develop a focusing attitude towards everything what comes from within
  • You are helping the focuser to build a relationship to their felt sense, so the felt sense will be invited to unfold.
  • You can offer structure and follow the process of the focuser at the same time.
  • You can offer suggestions for supporting the process and also can let it go when it doesn’t fit.
  • You can offers suggestions to bring the process in flow again, when it stops.
  • Recognize your own reactions or emotions and can set them aside so that they don’t influence the process of the focuser.
  • Respect the focuser’s boundaries.
  • Respect and take care of your own boundaries
  • You can be with the process of the focuser without trying to “rescue” the focuser.
  • You can recognize when you are “wrong”

Where: Harriet & René offer Zoom online video conferencing (link will be provided).
Cost:  €890 for each year; Includes 10 Zoom meetings once a month + 2 individual supervision sessions;  (Our 5 days Being Seriously Playful training  is not included.)
How to register: Harriet & René website-  or email to:
Payment: Via PayPal at: or by TransferWise ( free of charge)
Limited number of participants: maximum of 6 people
Recordings: All classes are recorded, with recordings being sent to each participant
More information: If you want to have more practical information, send an email to René: or call: 0031636089557, and we will find a moment to explore your wishes and questions