Program for parents, grandparents and caregivers
Integrating Focusing and Nonviolent Communication

- Are you looking for ways to have a better connection with your children?
- Would you like to learn skills to regulate overwhelming emotions in yourself?
- Would you like to act or respond as a trustful and authentic parent?
In this program we will explore how you can improve communication with your (grand)children. And (also) how to create more selfcare for yourself, because we know that it is not always easy and simple to be with children.
We propose to explore what is behind the children’s behaviour in terms of needs, especially when it is not as accepted by adults. Also, we offer to you, as participants, the occasion to experience and learn from your inner child’s feelings and needs, so you can be guided by it in relation to your children.
We will work with the concept of needs from the Nonviolent Communication model designed by Marshall Rosenberg. In our meetings we will use Focusing in order to get closer to these needs – parents and children’s needs. Both approaches – NVC and Focusing – see the process and the empathic listening as the basis for better relations, inside, outside and between us.
Some of the topics that will be explored in our group:
- How to Increase Self in Presence and Self Care for parents.
- Triggers and what to do with them.
- What kind of language (verbal, nonverbal, symbolique) supports the child’s development.
- Support interaction between two (fighting) children
Where: Online, on Zoom
When: 8 Mondays weekly starting from in 29th of September
Hours: 2 hours CET (Central European Time) Check your time here
Costs: 245 euro’s
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About us
Harriet is a Focusing Coordinator and Focusing Oriented Art Therapist, working in her private practice with children and adults in The Netherlands. Teaching “Dynamic Expressive Focusing” and Focusing International Online Certification Program for Focusing Practitioners.
Luiza Stefan is a Focusing Coordinator in Training. She has worked with children and adults since 2007, as a psychologist, in schools and in private practice. She is also a person-centered psychotherapist, a sandplay practitioner and a Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer.
This is the ripe fruit of a seven years growing relationship between Harriet & Luiza. They met at the International Focusing Conference at Cambridge in 2016 and since then, Luiza was trained by Harriet and Rene Veugelers in person and online.