Dynamic Expressive Focusing Training

An intensive 60 hour online Training program in Dynamic Expressive Focusing for being and working with Children, Teenagers and Inner Child experiences.
In English, simultaneous translated in Spanish!  Divided in 3 modules.

We invite you to explore and experience Dynamic Expressive Focusing, to deepen your knowledge and practice about (re)connecting with children and adolescents and your own inner (preverbal) child world. “This training is designed Professionals, (grand)parents and teachers”

General description to become certified as a Children Focusing Companion (CFC)
What to learn and get from this training

  • To build resilience and competence in self-care and empathy through developing an understanding of personal bodily felt life and inner child experience, from both an experiential and theoretical point of view.
  • To learn and develop the practical skills, approaches and techniques required to build that same resilience and competence in the children and young people with whom you are working with or  . . . being with.
  • To learn and discover how to use the natural capacity of children and young people for imaginative play, drawing, storytelling and other forms of symbolisation to better manage their emotional experience while developing your own creativity and playfulness.
  • In particular, to learn how to do all of the above in safe space ~ with clear boundaries, that respect the privacy and vulnerability of much of childhood and adolescent experience   . . . and also for yourself as an adult.
  • To learn and experience integrating a Focusing dimension into existing practices and activities you already use with children and young people, or in your work and training with adults.

Training topics include the following module-based topics:
Three different modules of each 7 meetings of 3 hour, divided over one year

Module 1; Basic attitude in Focusing with children; Atunnement, Listening in three directions, non-verbal communication. contact- contract, Boundaries and Structure, our quality of containment, working with symbols and Symbolizations, (background, effect and own experience), creating space and working with movement

Module 2; Inner child work, how to stay in the basic attitude. (how to take care of your own process; How to contact the FS of the child/ client with different entrances:  with collages, with nature. and how to deepen the process working with symbolisations, Children own inner strength, their living forward energy. And when there is a lot or no words/ language.

Module 3 how to deepen the process, related to your own inner critical process and with the child: when it stuck, when it blocks, when there nothing, when there ‘too’ much. Difficult challenging behavior. Working with your own hypothesis, working with cards, and with dreams and nightmares how to carrying the process forward Ending of the process How to transfer the learned skills to parents and others

For whom:
It is for YOU to support your personal Focusing process of anyone wanting to practice a great way of being more playful, flexible and explore different ways of unfolding your Focusing process in a more expressive way. Also for working and being with adults!

Module 1: Dates will come soon

Module 2: april- may 2025

Module 3: autumn  2025

Info: zoom link will be provided and a handout.
Cost: €345 for one module for Europeans or €190 for South Americans
Certification: This whole 60-hour training is accredited by TIFI to become a Children Focusing Companion.  Participants will get an acknowledgement of each module,  even in random order.
Questions: email rene@ftcz.nl (English) or jimecamon@gmail.com (Spanish)

Teachers: Harriet Teeuw &  René Veugelers
International well known Children Focusing Coordinators and Focusing Oriented Therapist from The Netherlands. Both have many years’ experience in working with children, teenagers and parents. integrating Focusing; bodywork and art therapy into their develop method: Dynamic Expressive Focusing; more info at : https://www.childrenfocusing.org/

Supported team: Florentina Sassoli es Counselor especializada en Desarrollo Personal – Terapista orientada en Focusing (FOT) y Entrenadora de Focusing – Fundadora de la escuela de Focusing “Focusing para Todos” – Miembro de la Junta Directiva del “The International Focusing Institute”.

Jimena Camón es Counselor – Terapista orientada en Focusing  (FOT) y Entrenadora de Focusing – Colaboradora de “The International Focusing Institute”  – Maestra de niños.